Take a look around you. Think about where you go each day and spend your money. Did you purchase anything today? Did you use a credit card today? Where? How much?

Think of all the retail stores, restaurants, and service companies we, and millions of others just like us, in this country use each and every day. When you start your car in the morning to go to work, it takes money to live.

How would you like to earn an income every time thousands of people in your network of registered cardholders, purchase those products and services? How would you like to receive the income for the rest of your life?

Spending money is a way of life. There's absolutely nothing wrong with spending money, because even if you are frugal with your money and are debt free, you still have to spend money to live. Consumer First will help your customers save by getting rebates on the products and services they purchase and you will earn an income… think of it!



Think about all the money that people can earn just by using using the Internet. Internet sales in 2003, doubled from 2002. That's a 50% increase. You can't purchase hardly anything online without using a credit card. Next year internet sales will increase by 50% again.

Imagine earning income every time thousands, tens of thousands, or even millions of people in your network of registered cardholders shop at any Consumer FIRST online participating stores.

The number of Consumer First Online and conventional stores is growing daily.

No Products To Sell, No Services To Sell, and Work Where And When You Want!