Business Benefits:
Businesses need customers to stay in business. In the conventional method, a business pays for customers. Thats right .. pays for them! Customers do not normally patronize a business, without seeing some form of advertising. Advertising costs MONEY! Depending on the type of advertising the business chooses to use, the business has to pay, and then hopes the customer comes in.

The type of advertising conventional businesses use are:

  • Radio - Television - Billboards
  • Newspaper Ads - Flyers - Magazines
  • Coupon Companies - Direct Mail - etc.

  • Billboards = $1000 - 20,000 per month
  • Radio = $100 - $300 per spot
  • Television, depending on time = $150 - $500 per spot
  • Direct Mail of 10,000 pieces = $700 - $1000 per mailing



How would you like to offer your customer a steady stream of customers that would not cost him anything. ABSOLUTELY FREE!

By enrolling him as a participating merchant, he will benefit because cardholders will be seeking him out to shop at his location because of the income they will be receiving. He will also be getting not only income from their purchases, but he will be getting the benefit of a steady steam of customers shopping at his business. These are customers who came in at no cost to him. They spend their money with the business before the business has to spend money to advertise. Think about it, "FREE CUSTOMERS!"

Consumer First will even give the business, activity reports of the new transactions he has acquired regarding new customer purchases since he began using the program. He can see exactly how the Consumer First Business Model has helped his business. He will be able to track his customers buying habits.


The Business Wins in the following ways:

  • The business signs up for free.
  • Requires no additional employees.
  • No additional overhead added.
  • No additional equipment required.
  • Gains steady steam of new customers.
  • Not just one-time shoppers, these are long term loyal customers.