Dream On

Available 10/18/2005

01. Dream On
02. With You
03. Do I Dare
04. The Real Me
05. What I'm Dying For
06. Life of Faith
07. I Want To Be Holy
08. I Surrender
09. Reach For You
10. I Need You

"Faith is walking without a back up plan toward the direction that God has called you." And that's just exactly what Carrie Pettit did, right up to the doors of the impenetrable music industry.

Carrie Pettit grew up with a family that supported her aspirations and passions. With the intent of attending medical school, God abruptly called Carrie into music ministry during her senior year of high school. "when God called me into the music industry as a wide-eyed 18 year-old, I was so full of myself," offers Carrie. "I was prideful and thought I was ready, but through the last few years, I've seen that I wasn't; God still had a lot of refining to do."

Through the course of the past five years, Carrie has attended Bible College and received a Bachelor's Degree in Theology; led worship for the Women's Ministry at her church in New Port Richey, Florida, Calvary Chapel Worship Center, and been involved with countless other organizations and ministries.

While on this road, Carrie says it was challenging to see how God was going to get her to the destination of His calling, a career in the music industry. "It was during this time that I had to learn to trust who God was and not what I saw Him doing. I ha to completely surrender my agenda, my ideas, my plans." Out of that struggle to trust in the unknown came "I Surrender," one of the songs on her debut release.

In addition, when Carrie began writing for this project, she wanted a song that would capture not only her struggle of faith, but also her determination to follow God's will no matter how crazy or impossible it seemed to the world. The title track, "Dream On," became that song.

When asked about the central theme of Dream On, Carrie shared that her straight-forward lyrics deal with abandonment; abandoning sin, pride, fear and self. "The one thing I want people to take away after listening to this recording is that when you live for Christ, you are literally abandoning yourself to allow Him to have His way. When you allow Christ to control; your life, you then experience true freedom."