“…Oh great, a call from yet ANOTHER distribution company.” The words are resounding as you’ve picked up the phone to receive our call today. We have heard the frustrations from many buyers about the state of our industry and the impact (or lack of) that today’s Christian music is having on this generation.

January 2005 launched the birth of a new company called INFINITY MUSIC DISTRIBUTION, based in Nashville, TN under the guiding hand of the Holy Spirit of God Almighty!! It all began one year ago when Christian music industry veterans, Jason Hollis & Rick Greene began to pray about starting a new Christian distribution company. Then, six months later, another Christian music industry veteran, John Cassandro joined the team. After much prayer and listening to what God had placed in their hearts, one year later God put together a company that would be led by the Holy Spirit and not just business as usual but, to revolutionize the Christian Music Industry forever! God placed the company at Christian music’s one-stop giants; Central South Distribution to partner with them. There they met yet another Christian music veteran Jamie Warden who came in to complete the team with Infinity Music Distribution. The call was clear to reach out to the youth through various artists in rock, hip-hop, & r&b styles of music.

Mission: (what are we about?): We are all about reaching out to the youth of America and out to the Nations of the world with music they can relate to and be free in Jesus Christ!! We want to do business by leaning into what the Holy Spirit tells us to do and nothing else because it is time to reclaim the arts for the kingdom of God!! Jeremiah 29:11-12: "I say this because I know what I am planning for you, says the Lord. I have good plans for you, not plans to hurt you. I will give you hope and a good future. Then you will call my name. You will come to me and pray to me, and I will listen to you."

Vision (what are we to do?): We are to provide Christian music for this generation of youth everywhere so that they can begin a counter-culture. Filling communities around the globe with a new sound of praise and worship for generations to come!! We are also to provide retail buyers education on how to sell this product because they may not be familiar with certain styles of music and how to make it look appealing in their stores to the youth market.

Values (what are you doing?): We are changing the face of what Christian music industry standards have been for years now and we are bringing back the time of the Jesus movement where artists were ministry-minded first and foremost. Also, we are beginning a new standard of excellence of quality songwriting, musicianship, and above all, continuing the mission that Jesus Christ started thousands of years ago to preach the good news to every nation around the world!!

Please pray for us, that people will truly look at us and know that the hand of God has built this company. Zechariah 4:6: “Not by might, not by power, but BY MY SPIRIT…”