01. Who U Representin'
02. I Wanna ROCC
03. Pull Em Down
04. A Lil Diff
05. IOU
06. I Won't Stop
07. i ROCC
08. Choose
09. Feels Like Oooo
10. He Say She Say
11. We Get
12. Soul Snatcha
13. Thankyou's Interlude |

Scripture tells us that sometimes out of the mouths of babes, great
wisdom comes. With a joint venture between EMI Gospel and ForeFront
Records, Lil iROCC Williams makes his major label debut, and the
13-year-old, whose name stands for I Rely On Christ Completely (Proverbs
3:5), shows just how much truth those words contain.
“I want to touch not just kids, but all people, and let them
understand what this is all about,” says Lil iROCC. “It’s
not about me. It’s about God the Father. I want to lead people
to Christ, and also let them know it’s fun to be with God.
When you have Him, you don’t have to be afraid of anything.”
Co-produced and co-written by Incorporated Elements (Grits, Knowdaverbs),
David “Damonsta” Lynch, Todd Collins (Out Of Eden, Audio
Adrenaline, The Katinas), Canton “CJ” Jones and Lil
iROCC’s father, industry veteran Rick “BIG ROCC”
Williams, the project is built on an intriguing recreation of a
day in the life of Lil iROCC Williams, with skits and sound effects
seamlessly intermingled with the album’s songs.
Born in New Orleans, and raised for the last 10 years in Atlanta,
Lil iROCC was always a very daring, outgoing personality, says his
mother, Treiva Williams, and was modeling and doing TV spots by
the age of three. His own path to Christ also came at an early age,
in 1997. Treiva was undergoing treatment for cancer when both she
and her husband gave their lives to Christ and became active in
the ministry of the local church . It was only a short while later
that Lil iROCC and his three siblings followed in their parent’s
footsteps, each committing their own lives to the Lord, mentored
in Atlanta’s New Birth Missionary Baptist Church under the
leadership of Bishop Eddie Long.
At an age when most children have far less serious things on their
minds, Lil iROCC is clearly a young man with a deep sense of calling
and purpose, building his ministry under the banner: “Created
to Praise. Called to Minister. Chosen to Represent.”
“I want kids to understand that God created everything, including
them,” he concludes, “and we all belong to Christ, whether
we realize that or not. I’ve had dramas and problems going
on in my own life, and when I’ve taken them to Him, He’s
always been there to solve them for me. I want everybody to know
He’ll do the same for them, too.”