
Available 10/18/2005


01. Immeasurable
02. It's Gonna Take Time
03. Who Cries
04. Through You
05. Needed
06. Crucified
07. Each Day of My Life
08. Anymore
09. Gotta Forgive Them
10. Glorified
11. Tou Are Holy
12. String Outro

Wayburn Dean is not really supposed to be here. Only two days after he was born, the doctor informed his mother that her child had rheumatic fever and had ten days, maybe less, to live.

Wayburn’s mother took her son home to the little cottage where she lived in New Mexico, and held
her newborn up to a single light bulb hanging from a wire in the ceiling. “God,” she prayed, “I’m coming to you as Hannah did. I’m asking you to save my baby. And I promise I will give him back to You.”

It is often said that where people place a period, God inserts a comma. And Wayburn Dean’s life has
definitely been spent giving his talents back to God, as his mother prayed. Indeed, the instant success of his 2nd solo effort – Immeasurable – is further proof that Wayburn’s talents are not going unnoticed.

Radio has instantly embraced Wayburn’s return to the music scene, catapulting the first single from his new Immeasurable CD to the top of the national Inspirational charts. The CD is set to release to the Christian & mainstream/secular marketplace in the fall of 2005. Immeasurable has hit a nerve, and Wayburn believes it has a specific purpose.

Known for his vocal prowess in the multi-million-selling group Acappella, Wayburn’s musical ability
gained him much acclaim during his 5 ½ year stint with the group. With songs such as “Rescue” and “We Have Seen The Glory,” Wayburn’s lead vocals garnered Grammy and Dove nominations, as well as a Lifetime Achievement Award from the CAMA for his efforts to further a cappellamusic. But in the midst of the accolades and honors, Wayburn decided to take a break.

Produced by Doug Beiden, Immeasurable combines pop and R&B grooves with potent lyrics, all complimented by Wayburn’s dynamic vocal stylings. The first single “Each Day Of My Life” is an upbeat, personal declaration of living for God on a daily basis. The poignant “Crucified” gives the view of Christ’s sacrifice from the Father’s perspective. It is one of several songs on the CD cowritten by Wayburn and his wife Janae. While Wayburn doesn’t consider himself a songwriter, his talent for arranging melodies is unmistakable. Recently, an arrangement he did of “Swing Low Sweet Chariot” was used in the movie “The Fighting Temptations” starring Oscar winner Cuba Gooding, Jr. But Wayburn gives more credit to his wife for the songs they write together.

Wayburn recently went back to the house he grew up in, and he was amazed at how tiny it now seemed. But there was that wire, hanging loosely from the ceiling, and it reminded Wayburn that the smallest light can make a big difference.