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Amalgam - Material made from mercury and other
alloy mixtures used to restore a drilled portion of a tooth.
Anesthesia - Medications used to relieve pain.
Anterior teeth - Front teeth. Also called incisors
and cuspids. Arch - The upper or lower jaw.
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Baby bottle tooth decay - Caused by sugary substances
in breast milk and some juices, which combine with saliva to form
pools inside the baby's mouth. Bicuspids -Back
teeth used for chewing. Bitewings - X-rays
that help a dentist diagnose cavities. Bonding
- Application of tooth-colored resin materials to the surface of
the teeth. Bridge - A fixed or removable appliance
that replaces lost teeth. Bruxism - Teeth grinding.
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Calculus - A sticky substance (also called tartar)
that has hardened. Canal - The narrow chamber
inside the tooth's root. Canines - Also called
cuspids. Canker sore - One that occurs on the
delicate tissues inside your mouth. A canker sore is usually light-colored
at its base and can have a red exterior border. Caries
- Another term for decay, which causes cavities. Cold
sore - Usually occurs on the outside of the mouth, usually
on or near the nose or lips. A cold sore is contagious because it
is caused by the 'herpes simplex' virus, and it is usually painful
and filled with fluid. Composite filling -
Tooth colored restorations, also known as resin fillings. Composite
resin - A tooth-colored resin combined with silica or porcelain
and used as a restoration material. Contouring
- The process of reshaping teeth. Crown - An
artificial cover that is placed on the top of a tooth following
restoration. Cusps - The pointed parts on top
of the back teeth's chewing surface. Cuspids
- Front teeth that typically have a protruding edge.
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Dentin - The tooth layer underneath the enamel.
Denture - A removable set of teeth.
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Endodontics - A form of dentistry that addresses
problems affecting the tooth's root or nerve.
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Fluoride - A naturally occurring substance added
to water, toothpastes and some rinses and used for strengthening
the tooth's enamel. Fluorosis - A harmless
over-exposure to fluoride and resulting sometimes in tooth discoloration.
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Gingiva - Another word for gum tissue. Gingivitis
- A minor disease of the gums caused by plaque. Gum
disease - An infection of the gum tissues. Also called
periodontal disease.
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Impacted teeth - A condition in which
a tooth fails to erupt or only partially erupts. Implant
- A permanent appliance used to replace a missing tooth. Incisor
- Front teeth with cutting edges; located in the center or on the
sides near the front. Inlay - An artificial
filling made of various materials, including porcelain, resin, or
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Laminate veneer - A shell that is bonded to the
enamel of a front tooth. The shell is usually thin and made from
porcelain resin.
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Malocclusion - Bad bite relationship. Mandible
- The lower jaw. Maxilla - The upper jaw.
Molar - Usually the largest teeth, near the rear
of the mouth. Molars have large chewing surfaces.
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Neuromuscular Dentistry - are more than the aches
and pains felt in around the neck and head that are associated with
your teeth and jaw.
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Onlay - A filling designed to protect the chewing
surface of a tooth. Orthodontics - A field
of dentistry that deals with tooth and jaw alignment. Overdenture
- A non-fixed dental appliance applied to a small number of natural
teeth or implants.
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Palate - Roof of the mouth. Partial
denture - A removable appliance that replaces teeth. Also
called a bridge. Pedodontics - A field of
dentistry that deals with children's teeth. Perio pocket
- An opening formed by receding gums. Periodontal disease
- Infection of the gum tissues. Also called gum disease. Periodontist
- A dentist who treats diseases of the gums. Permanent
teeth - The teeth that erupt after primary teeth. Also
called adult teeth. Plaque - A sticky, colorless
substance that covers the teeth after sleep or periods between brushing.
Posterior teeth - The bicuspids and molars. Also
called the back teeth. Primary teeth - A person's
first set of teeth. Also called baby teeth or temporary teeth.
Prophylaxis - The act of cleaning the teeth.
Prosthodontics - The field of dentistry that deals
with artificial dental appliances. Pulp - The
inner tissues of the tooth containing blood, nerves and connective
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Receding gum - A condition in which the gums separate
from the tooth, allowing bacteria and other substances to attack
the tooth's enamel and surrounding bone. Resin filling
- An artificial filling used to restore teeth. Also called a composite
filling. Root canal - A procedure in which
a tooth's nerve is removed and an inner canal cleansed and later
filled. Root planing - Scraping or cleansing
of teeth to remove heavy buildup of tartar below the gum line.
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Sealant - A synthetic material placed on the tooth's
surface that protects the enamel and chewing surfaces.
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TMJ - Temporomandibular joint disorder. Health
problems related to the jaw joint just in front of the ear.
Tarter - A hardened substance (also called calculus)
that sticks to the tooth's surface.
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Veneer - A laminate applied or bonded to the tooth.
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Whitening - A process that employs special bleaching
agents for restoring the color of teeth. Wisdom tooth
- Third set of molars that erupt last in adolescence.
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