Anyone who has invested time and money into having their car, truck
or motorcycle custom painted and detailed will say pretty much the
same thing... time, and time again. "I wanted to own a piece
of art."
At Square Deal Automotive, that's exactly what customers get. Our
professional painters and detailers painstakingly craft their skill
and creativity into every detail, color, style, and design for each
and every job they do... making sure the customer gets exactly what
they originally envisioned their own "piece of art" would
Our professional painters and detailers specialize in a variety
of custom graphics, detailed designs, and paint styles including
the fastly popular chameleon design, the ever famous
flame design, and the stylistically looking candy
apple paint style. Whatever the look you want your "piece
of art" to become, Square Deal Automotive is the right place,
for the right job, at the right price.
Not only do we specialize in custom paint jobs and detailing, but
we also have professionally trained mechanics on staff that specialize
on body and frame repair from the simplest to the most complex repair
What ever the need, you can count on Square Deal Automotive for
all your automotive needs.
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