Membership in the Lanco MG Club is open to enthusiasts and owners of
any type MG. (MG ownership is not required for membership). Membership entitles you to all of these great benefits:

Our bi-monthly club newsletter, the "MailGram", which is filled with info on club news and activities, upcoming MG related events, technical tips, Classified Ads, and entertaining stories about the cars we love so much.

Free Classified Ads in our club newsletter to help you sell those extra MG parts left in your garage after your complete restoration

Free use of MG related books and videos from our club library.

Monthly club meetings for friendship, exchange of ideas, and to show off the latest thing you've done to your MG. (To somebody who can appreciate it, - Not like your next door neighbor who thinks you're a little crazy for spending all that time and money on an old foreign car)

Tech Sessions to learn more about how these great little cars are put together (or how to put them back together).

Rallies, Poker Runs, and other fun club events that give you a chance to get out and drive your MG with others and have loads of fun.

Annual Summer Picnic and Christmas Dinner Party (You don't want to miss these!).

Club Meetings are normally held on the 2nd Sunday of every month at 3:00pm, usually at a local restaurant or the home of one of our members. See the Meeting Schedule for a list of dates and locations. If you're interested in joining the club or if you just want to meet some of the members and see what the club is like, come out to one of our meetings.

Annual dues are $18.00 single, $25.00 joint (member and spouse).

To join the club, you can download and print the Membership Application and mail it along with your annual dues to:

Lanco MG Club
P.O. Box 7721
Lancaster, PA 17604

or feel free to contact any of our Club Officers for more information.